Thursday, March 14, 2013

Welcome to Z-Scoop

My name is David Briggs.

History in Advertising and marketing online to great success with a focus in increasing click through rates, conversion rates and revisit rates. For the past 3 years I have dedicated my time and energy to 3D and have read tens of thousands of articles as well as gone to most trade shows in the US and either met or talked to the majority of people on the bleeding edge of the 3d subject.

Today I will begin to summarizing and linking to all the best articles I come across within the 3d, glasses-less or glasses-free 3D, e-learning, tablet education, tablet for business and 3D Printing.

Feel free to follow the blog, add me to google+ circles or reach out directly with any thoughts or questions. My direct contact information is in my google profile I would be happy to post a blog about your product or service if it is relevant to the subject of the blog or let you guest write a blog.

Thank you for reading, commenting, sharing and caring.



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