Thursday, March 14, 2013

Nintendo SLAMMED in court for 3D patent infringement

Last month former Sony inventor Seijiro Tomita sued Nintendo for infringing on his patent for a glasses-free 3D display. Today, Rueters reported that a federal jury in New York found Nintendo guilty.
Defense attorney Scott Lindvall maintained that Nintendo's 3DS didn't use key aspects of Tomita's patent and that Tomita was only one of several vendors selling 3D technology that Nintendo met with in 2003.Initially Tomita requested that Nintendo pay $9.80 for every 3DS sold however he settled for $30.2 million, instead of the over 200 million he wanted. 
The jury didn't buy it.
"We are thankful to the jurors for their diligence and hard work," Tomita's attorney, Joe Diamante concluded. "It has been a honor to represent Mr. Tomita and to protect his invention."
As 3D grows I think we will see many more instances of successful products infringing upon patents. 

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