Thursday, March 14, 2013

Glasses-Free 3D iPhone for $33??

Well.. you knew it wouldn't actually be a 3D phone right? Here we go, breaking down the multi 45 degree angle semitransparent mirrors and single opaque mirror at the back over an iphone (iphone 4 or 5) with content made to be spread across each surface to create a multi-layer miniature theatre experience.

Pied Piper or Palm Top Theatre is a prime example of a brilliant way to get people thinking and experiencing 3D. If it is a huge success then I am wrong in saying that it is going to be a flop. This is not the first time angular mirrors have been used to give a convincing 3D experience nor is it going to be the last.. Perhaps a good model for a multi projector 3D movie theatre.

It is good to see 3D portrayed in a better light, it has been almost 2 years since mashable has given any love it seems!

source for image and article -

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